Billing FAQs2024-06-10T12:34:10-05:00



We are here to assist you with any billing questions or concerns you may have, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. For any additional questions or concerns, please contact for assistance.

1. I didn’t receive an invoice, why?2024-06-07T20:58:40-05:00

Please reach out to us to confirm that the contact information we have is up to date for your account. This will ensure timely communication and delivery.

2. I would like my invoices to go to another contact.2024-06-07T21:02:06-05:00

In our software transition, only the Primary email address was migrated over. If you would like invoices to be delivered to someone else, please let us know and we can make that update for you.

3. Why does my invoice have a service/total of $0?2024-06-07T21:08:04-05:00

In our new software, we are unable to write off service costs or service items without creating and sending an invoice. So, you may receive an invoice for $0, or see an item with a $0 amount attached. This may be updated in the future, but we apologize for any confusion in the meantime.

4. Can I get a breakdown of my service costs?2024-06-07T21:10:11-05:00

In some cases, yes, though we are unable to always provide all the details you may be seeking. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions about your billing, and we will do our best to provide answers.

5. How do I pay my bill?2024-06-07T21:12:12-05:00

a. You can pay with a credit or debit card on our website:

b. You can also mail a check to our office, or pay in person by check, card, or cash: 544 Bavaria Ln, Chaska, MN 55318

6. Can I set up a service plan or automated billing?2024-06-07T21:15:07-05:00

Yes – Please reach out if you are interested in setting up a service agreement and/or automated billing for services with DHA CPAs.


Connect with us if you have questions or need help.
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